About Me

My name is Teresa (Terri) Hewitt. In 2008 I lost my job due to downsizing.  I never would have thought that change could be a wonderful and new beginning for me. A door was now open for me to go into a field that I have dreamed about for a long time - the world of Photography & Digital Editing! I  received my Associate's Degree at Gwinnett Technical College in Photography. I am currently enrolled in the Visual Communications Program at AIU.  

I have recently changed my name to TH Visual Designs. This will be the name for my new business. I chose visual designs to allow clients to see that I have more than photography to offer. My posts will begin to reveal projects that I do along with photography of course. In the past most companies were looking for people who specialize in just one field. However, due to changes in our economy and ever evolving world the ability to do more than one vocation well is no longer frowned upon. In fact, many companies are willing to hire one for the price of a few. 

Well, I am excited and ready to take the challenge. Please continue to check out my posts as I learn more and more about the world of Visual Communications.