Saturday, October 26, 2013

Full Page Ad

In this particular assignment I had to create a full page ad for Eco Chic Fashion (a fictitious company). It was my job to design a logo for the company which in this case is the "ECO CHIC FASHION"logo displayed in the ad. I also had to conceptualize and design it. I decided to have the company introduce what is called "The Smart Shoe". Eco Chic Fashion was looking for a nice clean design that would capture their target audience. I chose to create a well balanced easy to look at ad. The colors that I chose were pulled from the shoe to present a feeling of balance and harmony throughout the advertisement. Not only do the colors work well with the shoe but they also bring unity and collaboration to the Eco Chic Fashion name as well, creating an overall nuance of unity. I used a grid in order to wisely place each element to ensure an easy flow from top to bottom for the viewer. I wanted to make sure the audience noticed every element on the page. The main purpose was to make sure viewers will immediately notice Eco Chic Fashion in the sea of all the other designs in the market place.

One of the most wonderful things that makes my work a little easier is that I'm able to incorporate lots of my own photography. That keeps me from having to search high and low for images each time that I have to create and design.

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