Sunday, October 27, 2013

Magazine Layouts

This post is sort of a continuation to the magazine cover that I posted prior to this one. The layouts that are included were designed on a rule of thirds grid as well. There are a few other grids that may be used as well. However, I have chosen to use the rule of thirds grid simply because it's so simple to set up. I still get a nice neat and clean design every time so why not employ it. For each of the layouts I had to create a layout that could actually be in a magazine. I had to consider the target audience for each and ensure that every element spoke to the target audience. I had a lot of fun creating these pieces. The first one is an article on church hats in which I was able to use my own photography of hats that I have shot throughout the years. The second one has my photography as well. Please keep in mind that none of these are actual articles. I just had to design them as though they would be in a magazine.

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